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Start an IM session
Open the Instant messages menu, and connect to the service. Start the service in
different ways.
Select Conversations to view the list of new and read instant messages or
invitations for instant messaging during the active instant messaging session.
Scroll to the message or invitation that you want, and select Open to read the
indicates the new and read group messages. indicates the new and
the read instant messages. indicates the invitations.
The icons and texts on the display may vary, depending on the instant messaging
Select IM contacts to view the contacts that you have added. Scroll to the contact
with whom you would like to chat, and select Chat or Open if a new contact is
shown in the list. To add contacts see Contacts for IM p. 51. indicates the
online and the offline contacts in the phone contacts memory. indicates a
blocked contact. indicates a contact that has been sent a new message.
Select Groups > Public groups to display the list of bookmarks to public groups
provided by the network operator. To start a instant messaging session with a
group, scroll to a group, and select Join. Enter your screen name that you want to
use in the conversation. When you have successfully joined the group
conversation, you can start a group conversation. To create a private group, see
Groups p. 51.