Display 78 – DSP audio enhancements (AEC)
++++++++++++++ ##############
+aaa bbb ccc + #EAA Ada ERL #
+ddd eee fff + #RxG TxG GLi #
+ggg h i jjj + #TxN Sta Mod #
+ kkkk llll + # RVAD TVAD #
++++++++++++++ ##############
Decimal point and sign are not shown in values. This means:
-10.5dB would be displayed as "105"
-0.5 dB would be displayed as " 5"
aaa Electro-acoustic attenuation of echo from DSP point of view in dB
bbb Adaptive attenuation of echo
ccc Total echo return loss
ddd RX attenuator gain in dB
eee TX attenuator gain in dB
fff Gain limit for RX and TX
ggg Tx noise level in dB
h Adaptive filter status (0 or 1)
I Comfort noise generation (0 or 1)
jjj AEC mode (0 or 1)
kkkk Shows 16 last RX VAD decisions in HEX format
Llll Shows 16 last TX VAD decisions in HEX format
Display 79 – Audio equalizer display
++++++++++++++ Example: ++++++++++++++ ##############
+aaaaa bbbbb + +12345 54321 + #MiCutB MiCTA#
+ccccc ddddd + + 2353 46187 + #EpCutB EPCTA#
+-ee.e -ff.f + +-46.5 -27.4 + #MicLev EarLv#
+ + + + # #
++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ ##############
aaaaa Saturated samples before microphone equalizer in decimal 16 bit unsigned
integer format.
bbbbb Saturated samples after microphone equalizer in decimal 16 bit unsigned
integer format.
ccccc Saturated samples before earpiece equalizer in decimal 16 bit unsigned
integer format.
ddddd Saturated samples after earpiece equalizer in decimal 16 bit unsigned
integer format.
-ee.e Level of the microphone signal level detector in dB format.
Requires log10 function in MCU. 16 bit signed value in DSP, 0 dB = 32768.
-ff.f Level of the signal after earpiece equalizer in dB format.
Requires log10 function in MCU. 16 bit signed value in DSP, 0 dB = 32768.
The display is reset and restarted when a call is placed. When the call is terminated
the display is frozen to show the last values. Display will not be saved to EEPROM.
Saturated sample counters aaaaa - ddddd are counted in DSP and only the new counter
value is sent to MCU. The microphone and earpiece signal levels are calculated in DSP
and it sends the linear values to MCU which makes the linear to dB transformation
(20*log10(x)) for the level values.