
2 Installing PC Suite for Nokia 8250
they can also help you to make the necessary changes in your contract to
enable the use of the services.
Selecting Communications Software
To transmit data or faxes from your computer, you need a separate
communications software package. These have a number of common features,
including file transfer protocols, terminal emulation, dialling directories,
macro capabilities, and downloading and uploading features. Other programs
that are commonly used in telecommunications include those for data
compression, which are used separately to compress files before they are
transferred in order to reduce transmission time.
Installing PC Suite for Nokia 8250
During the Installation, various selections are made. Below you find step-by-
step information on the Setup windows.
lf you want to quit the Setup program without installing or uninstalling, just
click Cancel and the Exit Setup window will offer you the possibility to quit
the Setup program. Click Exit Setup to quit Setup.
lf you want to rerun Setup after having quit the installation before it was
completed, follow the installation steps normally as if you were installing the
program for the first time.
Before You Start
Before installation, make sure that the infrared connection between your
phone and your computer works.
Click the Windows START button and select Control Panel from the Settings
menu. Open Infrared. Then activate the phones infrared port from the Infrared
menu and ensure that the infrared ports of the phone and the PC point at each
other. If the connection works, you can begin the setup. If the connection does
not work, you have to install infrared support. Consult the documentation of
your PC for detailed instructions. You will also find more information in the
Troubleshooting section.
First Installation Steps
1 Exit all Windows programs.
2 Unzip the file to a new folder.
3 Run setup.exe from the new folder.
The first window of the Setup will be displayed.
Click Next to continue with the Setup. Setup automatically installs and
configures your Windows modem settings. These control the operation of your
mobile phone and the program.