Nokia 8265 Cell Phone User Manual

[ 78 ]
Choose options for a text message
When you press Options while reading a message, the following choices
are available:
Erase a message
1 While reading a message, press Options.
2 Scroll to Erase and press OK.
3 Your phone asks you to confirm that you want to erase the message.
Press OK.
Option What it does
Read next Takes you to the next message.
Erase Erases the current message.
Save Saves this message to the Saved folder.
Use number Calls the person who sent you the text message, if
their phone number is included in the message.
You can also press the start key while the message
is displayed to dial the number.
If more than one number is on the screen, the
numbers appear in a list. Scroll to the phone
number you want to call and press .
Forward Forwards the message to another person. That
person must have the appropriate message service.
Reply Provides a screen where you can write a reply.