Nokia 6162 Cell Phone User Manual

Caller ID
This is a network service that helps identify incoming
calls. Contact your service provider for details.
When Caller ID is active,
phone may display the
callers phone number. The callers name may also dis-
play if their name and number has been stored in the
phone book (see Phone book on page 50) or if the
wireless network supports it.
&DOO or &DOO0FDOOHU ,'XQDYDLODEOH will display when the wire-
less network doesnt recognize the calling number.
&DOO0FDOOHU ,'EORFNHG may display if the calling party
has blocked caller ID.
Calling card
If you wish to use a calling card for
long distance calls, you must first
store your calling card information
into your phone. Your phone can
store up to four calling cards.
Programming a calling card
1) Press
(For details on how to work the Menu, see page 13)
2) Press
W or V to desired calling card, press 2SWLRQV
3) Press W or V to (GLW, press 2.
4) Enter security code and press 2.
5) Press 6HOHFW at 'LDOLQJ V HTXHQFH. Select the dialing
sequence your card uses (use chart below), press
W or V to choose sequence, then press 6HOHFW.
Note: The order of the following steps may vary, depending on
which dialing sequence your card uses.
6) Enter access number when prompted for the call-
ing cards access number (usually the 1-800 num-
ber listed on the back of the calling card), press