Samsung SGH Z130 Cell Phone User Manual

Menu functions
(Menu 5)
Message settings
(Menu 5.9)
Use this menu to set up various options for using
messaging service.
(Menu 5.9.1)
You can configure default SMS settings.
Settings x
: set the following properties in a
Centre address
: store or change the number of
your message centre.
: set the length of time your messages
are stored in the SMS centre while attempts are
made to deliver them.
Default type
: set the default message type. The
network can convert the messages into the
selected format.
: enter a profile name.
Sending options
: set up the following options for
sending an SMS message:
Reply path
: allow the recipient to reply to you
through your message centre.
Delivery report
: set the network to inform you
when your message has been delivered.
Network selection
: select a preferred data
transmission method.
Keep a copy
: set your phone to leave copies of
the messages in the
folder after sending
Character support
: select a character encoding
type. If you select
, the phone switches
the encoding type from GSM-alphabet to Unicode if
you enter a unicode character. Use of unicode
encoding will reduce the maximum of number in a
message to about half. If this menu is not shown,
your phone provides the Automatic character
encoding by default.
(Menu 5.9.2)
You can configure default MMS settings.
Sending options
: set up the following options for
sending a multimedia message:
: set the priority level of your messages.
Validity period
: set the length of time your
messages are stored in the message centre.