Samsung SCH-i201 Cell Phone User Manual

Mail Receive
"Jonath.. Business..
"James.. [Re] Hote..
"Lemis".. Project M..
To fetch selected or all mail messages:
Select the mail message(s) you want to fetch and tap the box
in the download icon column to check it. If you want to fetch
all mails, tap the download icon ( ) at the top left of the
After the selected mail messages have been fetched, the
Report screen opens and tells you the number of mails left in
the remote mailbox and the number of mails fetched onto the
Inbox folder in your phone.
To delete selected or all mail messages:
Select the mail message(s) you want to delete and tap the
box in the trash column to be checked. To delete all mails,
tap the trash icon ( ) at the top left of the screen. The
messages will be deleted when you exit the remote mailbox.
2. The e-mail messages in the remote mailbox are displayed.