2. About This Guide:
This User Guide contains step-by-step instructions for upgrading the i730
device using the Update Utility. This will guide you through:
¾ Establishing a connection to Microsoft ActiveSync
with the Device
¾ Launching the WinZip Self Extractor
¾ Reviewing and Accepting the Verizon Wireless Software License
Agreement before Update
¾ Viewing the Verizon Wireless Update Utility Tool
¾ Viewing the Installation of PDA Image
¾ Viewing the Installation of Phone Image
¾ Verifying the Update
3. Installation Instructions:
¾ Download the Update Utility to your PC (The file is approximately 32MB
and available from
¾ Cradle your Samsung i730 Device
¾ Wait for ActiveSync to connect to your device
¾ Launch the utility and respond to all the dialogs
¾ The application will notify you when the upgrade is complete
¾ Your device should now be upgraded and you can use ActiveSync on your
PC to restore your email and personal information.
4. Supported Operating Systems:
¾ Windows 2000 Professional SP4
¾ Windows XP Home SP2
¾ Windows XP Professional SP2
5. Supported ActiveSync Versions:
¾ 4.1
6. Requirements:
¾ Laptop computers should be plugged into AC power.
¾ Computer should have:
o At least 50MB of free disk space.
o Microsoft ActiveSync (version 4.1) must be installed on your
¾ Back up email and personal information with Microsoft Outlook and
establish a partnership between the PC and Samsung i730. Ensure that
ActiveSync shows status as “Connected”
¾ Samsung i730 should be connected to AC power.
¾ Samsung i730 must be connected directly to the computer with the USB
cradle, not into a USB hub or peripheral (keyboard, monitor, etc.)
¾ Samsung i730 must have a device version of S:i730.2.6V.YE05.15045 or
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