
2.9 Dial Up Networking via USB or Bluetooth
Dial Up Networking (DUN) is a method to connect your PC to the internet using the handset
as a modem. Using Join Me to connect your PC to the internet has already been covered but
there are alternative methods available:
Create a New Network Connection using the Windows Wizard
Launch the Windows New Connection Wizard (eg XP: Start, All Programs, Accessories,
Communications, New Connection Wizard)
Choose Connect to the internet, Set up my connection manually, Connect using a dial up
modem, in ISP Name add ‘Telstra mobile’, in Phone number you must add *99#, username
and password should be blank, default connection can be unchecked and Shortcut to
Desktop can be checked.
Make sure Join Me is installed, the drivers are functioning, the handset is connected to the
PC using the USB lead supplied.
Double click the Telstra Mobile icon on your desktop and press Connect.
You can now browse the internet normally using the handset as your Dial Up Modem