Command Line Interface
lldp reinit-delay
This command configures the delay before attempting to re-initialize after LLDP
ports are disabled or the link goes down. Use the no form to restore the default
lldp reinit-delay seconds
no lldp reinit-delay
seconds - Specifies the delay before attempting to re-initialize LLDP.
(Range: 1 - 10 seconds)
Default Setting
2 seconds
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
When LLDP is re-initialized on a port, all information in the remote systems
LLDP MIB associated with this port is deleted.
lldp tx-delay
This command configures a delay between the successive transmission of
advertisements initiated by a change in local LLDP MIB variables. Use the no form
to restore the default setting.
lldp tx-delay seconds
no lldp
seconds - Specifies the transmit delay. (Range: 1 - 8192 seconds)
Default Setting
2 seconds
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
• The transmit delay is used to prevent a series of successive LLDP
transmissions during a short period of rapid changes in local LLDP MIB
objects, and to increase the probability that multiple, rather than single
changes, are reported in each transmission.
Console(config)#lldp reinit-delay 10