VLAN Commands
To configure primary/secondary associated groups, follow these steps:
1. Use the private-vlan command to designate one or more community VLANs
and the primary VLAN that will channel traffic outside of the community groups.
2. Use the private-vlan association command to map the community VLAN(s) to
the primary VLAN.
3. Use the switchport mode private-vlan command to configure ports as
promiscuous (i.e., having access to all ports in the primary VLAN) or host (i.e.,
community port).
4. Use the switchport private-vlan host-association command to assign a port
to a secondary VLAN.
5. Use the switchport private-vlan mapping command to assign a port to a
primary VLAN.
6. Use the show vlan private-vlan command to verify your configuration settings.
To configure isolated VLANs, follow these steps:
1. Use the private-vlan command to designate an isolated VLAN that will contain
a single promiscuous port and one or more isolated ports.
2. Use the switchport mode private-vlan command to configure one port as
promiscuous (i.e., having access to all ports in the isolated VLAN) one or more
ports as host (i.e., isolated port).
3. Use the switchport private-vlan isolated command to assign a port to an
isolated VLAN.
4. Use the show vlan private-vlan command to verify your configuration settings.
private-vlan association Associates a community VLAN with a primary VLAN VC 4-256
Configure Private VLAN Interfaces
switchport mode
Sets an interface to host mode or promiscuous mode IC 4-257
switchport private-vlan
Associates an interface with a secondary VLAN IC 4-258
switchport private-vlan
Associates an interface with an isolated VLAN IC 4-258
switchport private-vlan
Maps an interface to a primary VLAN IC 4-259
Display Private VLAN Information
show vlan private-vlan Shows private VLAN information NE,
Table 4-65 Private VLAN Commands
Command Function Mode Page