Configuring Multiple Spanning Trees
CLI – This displays STA settings for instance 1, followed by settings for each port.
CLI – This example sets the priority for MSTI 1, and adds VLANs 1-5 to this MSTI.
Console#show spanning-tree mst 1 51-18
Spanning-tree information
Spanning tree mode: MSTP
Spanning tree enabled/disabled: enabled
Instance: 1
VLANs configuration: 1
Priority: 32768
Bridge Hello Time (sec.): 2
Bridge Max Age (sec.): 20
Bridge Forward Delay (sec.): 15
Root Hello Time (sec.): 2
Root Max Age (sec.): 20
Root Forward Delay (sec.): 15
Max hops: 20
Remaining hops: 20
Designated Root: 32768.1.0030F1D473A0
Current root port: 7
Current root cost: 10000
Number of topology changes: 2
Last topology changes time (sec.):85
Transmission limit: 3
Path Cost Method: long
Eth 1/ 7 information
Admin status: enabled
Role: master
State: forwarding
External admin path cost: 10000
Internal admin path cost: 10000
External oper path cost: 10000
Internal oper path cost: 10000
Priority: 128
Designated cost: 0
Designated port: 128.1
Designated root: 32768.1.0030F1D473A0
Designated bridge: 32768.1.0030F1D473A0
Fast forwarding: disabled
Forward transitions: 1
Admin edge port: disabled
Oper edge port: disabled
Admin Link type: auto
Oper Link type: point-to-point
Spanning Tree Status: enabled
Console(config)#spanning-tree mst-configuration 51-7
Console(config-mst)#mst 1 priority 4096 51-9
Console(config-mstp)#mst 1 vlan 1-5 51-8