Chapter 9: Configuring Event Logging
The switch allows you to control the logging of error messages, including the type of
events that are recorded in switch memory, logging to a remote System Log (syslog)
server, and displays a list of recent event messages.
System Log Configuration
The system allows you to enable or disable event logging, and specify which levels
are logged to RAM or flash memory.
Severe error messages that are logged to flash memory are permanently stored in
the switch to assist in troubleshooting network problems. Up to 4096 log entries can
be stored in the flash memory, with the oldest entries being overwritten first when the
available log memory (256 kilobytes) has been exceeded.
The System Logs page allows you to configure and limit system messages that are
logged to flash or RAM memory. The default is for event levels 0 to 3 to be logged to
flash and levels 0 to 7 to be logged to RAM.
Command Attributes
• System Log Status – Enables/disables the logging of debug or error messages to
the logging process. (Default: Enabled)
• Flash Level – Limits log messages saved to the switch’s permanent flash memory
for all levels up to the specified level. For example, if level 3 is specified, all
messages from level 0 to level 3 will be logged to flash. (Range: 0-7, Default: 3)
• RAM Level – Limits log messages saved to the switch’s temporary RAM memory
for all levels up to the specified level. For example, if level 7 is specified, all
messages from level 0 to level 7 will be logged to RAM. (Range: 0-7, Default: 7)
The Flash Level must be equal to or less than the RAM Level.
Table 9-1 Logging Levels
Level Severity Name Description
7 Debug Debugging messages
6 Informational Informational messages only
5 Notice Normal but significant condition, such as cold start
4 Warning Warning conditions (e.g., return false, unexpected return)
3 Error Error conditions (e.g., invalid input, default used)
2 Critical Critical conditions (e.g., memory allocation, or free memory
error - resource exhausted)
1 Alert Immediate action needed
0 Emergency System unusable
* There are only Level 2, 5 and 6 error messages for the current firmware release.