drive LED
Indicator light that illuminates during read or write operations.
Notification or alert from the system, indicating that a change has
event log
File used to maintain information about prior controller activities
or errors.
event notification
Process for transmitting events.
State of a nonredundant array that has suffered a single drive
failure, or a redundant array that has suffered multiple drive
failures. A failed array is inaccessible and data is lost.
failed partition
A partition that is no longer usable by an array because it is either
logically bad and therefore no longer needed, or physically
failover drive
See hotspare.
fault-tolerant array
Refers to an array that can continue to function after a disk drive
failure without loss of data. See also redundant.
foreign disk
Disk that has previously been initialized on another Adaptec RAID
controller. The RAID signature on the disk allows the RAID
controller to identify whether or not the disk was initialized on the
controller it is currently connected to.