Installing and Starting Adaptec Storage Manager
When successful, a copyright message is displayed in the
terminal window.
If you want RAID Agent to run at startup all the time, add the
following line to the
/etc/inittab and /etc/conf/init.d/kernel files:
nfra:12346:once:sh /opt/RaidMan/RaidAgnt.sh
Installing Storage Manager on UnixWare & OpenUNIX
■ With UnixWare and OpenUNIX, Storage Manager
supports up to 12 Adaptec RAID controllers.
■ You need root privileges to install Storage Manager.
You need either the Java Development Kit (JDK) for SCO or
the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for SCO, version 1.3.1.
To download these, visit
■ If a previous version of Storage Manager is already
installed and you are upgrading, you must first remove
that version. Any customization files you may have
created when you used the previous version are saved and
used in the upgrade. To remove Storage Manager, type the
pkgrm RaidMan command.
To install Storage Manager:
1 Insert the Adaptec installation CD.
2 Mount the Adaptec installation CD:
mount -r -F cdfs /dev/cdrom/cdromdevicefile /mnt
where cdromdevicefile is the device file, for example,
c0b0t010, for the CD-ROM block device. To determine the
actual filename, look in the
/dev/cdrom directory.
3 Use
pkgadd to install Storage Manager:
pkgadd -d /mnt/unixware/manager/RaidMan.ds
Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
5 Unmount the CD-ROM drive:
umount /mnt