ADCP-75-169 • Issue 1 • June 2004
Page 4
© 2004, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
7 PORT 1/PORT 2 Multi-colored LED
Indicates if the reverse/forward path optical sig-
nals from the STM/HU are normal (green), if no
signals are detected (red), or if excessive errors
are detected (red). See Note.
(diversity unit only)
Multi-colored LED
Indicates if the diversity reverse path optical signal
from the RU is normal (green), if no signal is
detected (yellow), or if excessive errors are
detected (yellow). See Note.
9 SERVICE DB-9 connector
Connection point for the RS-232 service inter-
face cable.
10 NET IN RJ-45 jack (female) Connection point for the CAN interface input
11 NET OUT RJ-45 jack (female) Connection point for the CAN interface output
12 REV RF OUT N-type female RF
coaxial connector
Output connection point for the primary reverse
path RF coaxial cable.
13 REV DIV RF OUT N-type female RF
coaxial connector
Output connection point for the diversity reverse
path RF coaxial cable.
14 FWD RF IN N-type female RF
coaxial connector
Input connection point for the forward path RF
coaxial cable.
15 POWER 24–48 VDC Screw-type terminal
Connection point for the DC power wiring.
16 No designation Cover plate Covers the mounting slot for the wavelength divi-
sion multiplexer module.
17 ALARM OUTPUT Screw-type terminal
connector (14–26
Connection point for an external alarm system.
Includes normally open (NO), normally closed
(NC), and common (COM) wiring connections.
18 PORT 1 SC connector
Output connection point for the forward path
optical fiber.
19 PORT 2 SC connector
Input connection point for the reverse path pri-
mary optical fiber.
20 PORT 3
(diversity unit only)
SC connector
Input connection point for the reverse path diver-
sity optical fiber.
21 Chassis ground stud Connection point for a chassis grounding wire.
Note: A more detailed description of LED operation is provided in the applicable System Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
Table 1. Host Unit User Interface, continued