ADCP-75-169 • Issue A • June 2001 • Preface
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© 2004, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
FCC: This equipment complies with the applicable sections of Title 47 CFR Part 90 (SMR).
UL/CUL: This equipment complies with UL and CUL 50 Standard for Enclosures for
Electrical Equipment. This equipment provides the degree of protection specified by IP43 as
defined in IEC Publication 529.
FDA/CDRH: This equipment uses a Class 1 LASER according to FDA/CDRH Rules. This
product conforms to all applicable standards of 21 CFR Part 1040.
IC: This equipment complies with the applicable sections of RSS-131. The term “IC:” before the
radio certification number only signifies that Industry Canada Technical Specifications were met.
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this manual are detailed in the following list:
AW G American Wire Gauge
C Centigrade
CAN Controller Area Network
CDRH Center for Devices and Radiological Health
CUL Canadian Underwriters Laboratories
CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer
DC Direct Current
DCE Data Communications Equipment
DIV Diversity
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
EBTS Enhanced Base Transceiver Station
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EMS Element Management System
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
F Fahrenheit
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FWD Forward
HU Host Unit
IC Industry Canada
Warning: Wet conditions increase the potential for receiving an electrical shock when
installing or using electrically-powered equipment. To prevent electrical shock, never install or
use electrical equipment in a wet location or during a lightning storm.