Manage WAN Sessions
108 MM701G and MM702G User Manual
Set Up an RFC 1483 Bridged Session
You selected Create RFC 1483 bridged session from the WAN Session Management menu to display
the following menu.
1 Configure the following parameters, 1 through 8, for the bridging session:
Session Name
Enter 1 then type a unique, descriptive identifier for the session. This name can have a
maximum of 32 characters.
Virtual Path ID (VPI)
Enter 2 then type the value (from 0 to 4,095) provided by the service provider. The
number identifies the virtual path that transports ATM cells between the modem and
the service provider. This value must match the virtual path identification (VPI) value
the service provider uses for this connection.
Virtual Channel ID (VCI)
Enter 3 then type the value (from 32 to 65,535) provided by the service provider. The
number identifies the virtual channel for this session that transports ATM cells
between the modem and the service provider. This value must match the virtual
channel identification (VCI) value the service provider uses for this connection.