Appendix D: Glossary
MM701G and MM702G User Manual 153
Autonomous, interrupt-driven, SNMP messages sent from a managed node to a
network management station to indicate that an event has occurred.
UnAvailable Seconds is the number of seconds during which the line is unavailable.
Unspecified Bit Rate is an ATM traffic type used for LAN traffic. When network
congestion occurs, the data is stored in a buffer until it can be sent.
User Datagram Protocol is a transport protocol used to map inbound traffic (from a
remote IP address) to an internal (LAN) IP address. Uses a protocol port number for
the destination at the remote location.
upstream traffic
Communications from a user to a service provider.
Virtual Channel Identifier is a 16-bit field addressing identifier in the header of an ATM
cell used to route cell traffic. It identifies a particular VC link for a given VP.
Virtual Channel Multiplexer-based encapsulation used for networks with large
numbers of virtual channels making it practical to carry a single protocol per virtual
A Virtual Channel is a logical connection in the ATM network over which ATM cells are
Virtual Path Identifier is an 8-bit field addressing identifier in the header of an ATM
cell that is used to route cell traffic. It identifies a particular VP link.
A Virtual Path is a group of VCs carried between two points. The VP provides a means
of bundling traffic traveling in the same direction. VPs are defined by a unique VPI
Wide Area Network is a network consisting of nodes located across a large
geographical area. Also, the connection between a service provider and MM Modem.