
AdderLink Installation and Use Page 32
3.2 AdderLink indicator lights
The AdderLink indicator lights have the following meaning
AdderLink XL
Indicator Colour Status Meaning
POWER Green ON AdderLink is on and there is sufficient
power available
OFF AdderLink is off and sufficient power is not
FLASHING Insufficient power is available (marginal
ACTIVITY Red ON Keyboard or mouse data is being received
from the XR unit
OFF No keyboard or mouse data is being
Received from the XR unit
LINK Orange ON The XL unit is connected to an XR unit
OFF The XL unit is not connected to an XR unit
AdderLink XR
Indicator Colour Status Meaning
POWER Green ON AdderLink is on
OFF AdderLink is off
ACTIVITY Red ON The AdderLink is not locked and no
keyboard or mouse data is being received
FLASHING The AdderLink is not locked and keyboard or
Mouse data is being received
OFF The AdderLink is locked or disabled
LINK Orange ON The XR unit is connected to an XL unit
OFF The XR unit is not connected to an XL unit