AdderLink Installation and Use Page 38
To enter compensation / configuration mode:
f f release ff
To exit compensation / configuration mode:
press ff release ff
3.7 Mouse control
On the AdderLink Gold XR unit, the computers can conveniently be selected using a
three button mouse or IntelliMouse. In order to switch to the other computer simply
hold down the central mouse button or wheel button and click on the left hand
mouse button. The other computer will then be selected. In order to use this feature
you must enable it using the M2 option in configuration mode (see section 4.2).
3.8 Stereo audio support on the AdderLink Gold
You may connect stereo speakers to both the AdderLink Gold XL unit and the
AdderLink Gold XR unit. Audio from the computer connected to the XL unit is
broadcasted to the speakers attached to the XL unit and to the XR unit. The
speakers on the XR unit will output the audio signal from the XL unit if the remote
computer (1) is selected or the audio from the computer connected to the XR unit if
the local computer (2) is selected.
The AdderLink transfers the audio speaker signals between the XL and XR units by
multiplexing the audio signals onto the video signals. A small degree of audio noise
is introduced by this process. The effect of this noise may be reduced by the
following actions:
• Set the speaker output volume on the PC connected to the XL unit to the highest
setting available.
• Adjust speaker volume control knob away from the maximum setting.
• Do not boost the audio BASS signal if this can be avoided.
The AdderLink is designed to carry audio signals with a maximum peak-to-peak
voltage of 5 volts. This is suitable for most PC audio outputs. If you are sending