7-16 6-00905-01 Rev A
Verify File System is Active
Step 1 On the StorNext FS server, log in as root.
Step 2 Verify that the file system is active.
a. Start cvadmin. Enter: cvadmin
Several status messages display.
b. Select the file system. Enter: select file_system_name
c. Enter: show long
In the output, all the stripe groups should display a status of “UP.”
Step 3 After verifying the file system’s active status, enter quit.
Check Error Messages
Step 1 On the StorNext FS server, log in as root.
Step 2 Check for error messages in the system’s system log. For example, enter:
tail -50 /var/adm/messages
Check Linux Patches
If any program errors cannot be resolved, check for Linux patches (or equivalents) in the StorNext
Management Suite Release Notes.