Setting Up StorNext FS on Linux 5-11
Step 10 Return to Step 1 to install StorNext FS on another Linux machine.
Obtain License for Linux Server
The StorNext FS server must have a valid license. To obtain the license file:
Step 1 Verify that /etc/hosts has a proper entry for the system name.
Step 2 Run the StorNext FS host identifier utility on the server. Enter:
# usr/cvfs/bin/cvfsid
Output from this utility for system name snpc4 looks similar to this.
E0290E3F83 linux 0 snpc4
The hexadecimal number is unique to the server and host_name should match the
server’s host name. This number is known as the ID string.
Step 3 Email the ID string, number of client machines to ATAC at support@adic.com and product
serial number to ATAC at support@adic.com. If you do not have email access, contact
ATAC at 1-800-827-3822.
An ATAC Technical Support representative will provide a license.dat file.
Step 4 Place license.dat in the /usr/cvfs/config directory on the server.
In certain situations, the Linux installation program attaches the system name to, instead of an entry for the Ethernet card. The following example
illustrates this situation for /etc/hosts with the system name, snpc4: snpc4 localhost.localdomain localhost # bad
If this situation occurs, StorNext FS will not work properly. To correct the /etc/hosts
entry, edit the file so that the system name is attached to the Ethernet card. For
example, if the IP address for the system name, snpc4, is, the host
file should read: localhost.localdomain localhost snpc4 # good
If you have a temporary StorNext license, first remove the temporary license file
before replacing it with the permanent license file.