VolServ Version 5.1 — 6-00572-01 Page 3 of 14
The following table describes known problems in this release.
Supported Libraries
The following libraries are supported in this release.
NOTE: AIT is not currently supported as a pre-defined media type. At this time, an AIT library
must be configured as an 8mm library.
In previous releases of VolServ, AML libraries with AIT-1 and/or AIT-2 drives may have used either one
of the following DAS/AMU drive type designators:
• DC = AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
• DM = AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
In VolServ release 5.1, due to a change in the AMU software, AML libraries with AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
drives now use the following DAS/AMU drive type designators:
• DC = AIT-3
• DM = AIT-1 and/or AIT-2
IRIX 4365
When the operator’s console display goes down, the change archive
parameters cannot be used to redisplay the console.
Workaround: Select the specific library to be reconfigured, select <OK> to bring
down the library, and then select <Done> so the operator’s console for that archive
will reappear.
All 3669
Library console does not emit a beep each time status is returned to it.
The vsamlconfig command cannot handle hex numbers for drive slots that are
printed from the AMU.
Workaround: Configure the archive as a Scalar DLC archive.
If changing the AML configuration after initially configuring the library, the modified
AMU information is unable to be uploaded to VolServ without deleting and
recreating the library.
Workaround: Configure the archive as a Scalar DLC archive.
Mixed media imports do not work for SCSI libraries.
Unable to mount tapes after recovery of offline robot.
If VolServ is started when the Scalar 1000 or the Scalar 10k archives are offline,
the AMTask will not start.
Workaround: Place the archives in an online state and cycle VolServ to get the
AMTask running.