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VolServ Version 5.1 — 6-00572-01
The ADIC copyright license and the creation date of the distribution CD appears.
Step 2. Type y (yes) or n (no) and type the CD pathname to install the upgrade files from
the VolServ CD.
NOTE: For help in responding to the script questions, refer to the table in the System
Parameters Checklist section on page 1-6 in the Installing VolServ guide. The
letters y (yes) or n (no) following the script questions represent responses for a
typical upgrade scenario. Information enclosed within brackets [ ] function as
placeholders for text you should type or actions you should perform.
Step 3. Type the pathname of the directory that contains your previous version of VolServ,
and type y (yes) or n (no) and press Return or Enter to perform an upgrade.
In case you created any site customizations, the config, gui, and util directories are saved
during this step. Additionally, database upgrade utilities are loaded and the current database is
NOTE: In the following example, the existing VolServ installation directory is
/scratch/apps and the VolServ version is 5.0.0.
Copyright 1992-2002 by ADIC, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by an means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, or by any
information storage or retrieval system, except as may
be expressly permitted by the 17 U.S.C. section 101,
et. seq., or in writing by ADIC, Inc.
CREATED ON <date stamp>
This installation will allow you to install multiple software
packages. If you elect not to install something, then the
installation will move on to the next package. The following
software packages are contained in this installation:
- ADIC VolServ 5.1.0
- ADIC VolServ API 5.1.0
Do you wish to continue (<y> or n) ? y
Locating user commands...done.
Is media device location local (<y> or n) ? y
Are you installing from CD-ROM? (<y> or n) ? y
Enter fully qualified local CD-ROM distribution path:
[CD pathname]?
Is [CD pathname] your intended response (<y> or n) ? y
Ready to install/update the necessary VolServ files
Do you wish to install/update the VolServ files now (<y> or n) ? y