D-6 Addressing, Structures, and Operation
Indexed Addressing Option
Indexed Addressing allows for host bus adapter drivers that
only use Peripheral Device addressing to access SCSI devices
attached to the FCR200 unit. This is done by use of a table
which is indexed by sequential LUN values, indicating
selected BUS:TARGET:LUN devices. It is not possible in this
mode to address the FCR200 unit as a controller unit directly
when using the Indexed Addressing option. The size of the
table is equal to the number of busses times the number of
targets per bus, less one initiator ID per bus, times the number
of LUNs per target. The index table can be manually edited.
Configuration tools allow for the table to be filled in order of
increasing bus, target, or LUN, as may be desired for the
specific requirements needed. A method is also provided to
perform device discovery, and fill the table in the order that
devices are discovered on the SCSI busses. As an example, if
there are three devices connected to a SCSI bus at
BUS:TARGET:LUN 0:0:0, 0:1:0 and 0:2:0, The Indexed table
will look like Table D-6.
Table D-6 Example of Fibre Channel-to-SCSI Mapping
0x00 → 000
0x01 → 010
0x02 → 020
0x03 → –––
0x0B → –––
0x0C → –––
0x0D → –––
0x0F → –––
The “-” indicates
a null entry