6-8 Configuration
Power Up Menu
When you turn the FCR200’s power switch, a series of
messages similar to the following appear:
The default boot mode is 1) Fibre Channel/SCSI Router and
will be automatically selected if you wait three seconds. The
main menu appears:
Performing Power-on Self Test ...
Monitor-flash Check Sum .............................. passed
Program-store Main RAM ............................... passed
Trace Buffer in Main RAM ............................. passed
PCI Protocol RAM (16Mb) .............................. passed
SCSI Script RAM (I) .................................. passed
SCSI Script RAM (II) ................................. passed
Initialize Ports ...
Fibre-channel port Single-frame Sequence Loopback .... passed
Fibre-channel port Multiple-frame Sequence Loopback .. passed
Ethernet Port Loopback ............................... passed
SCSI Port (I) Loopback ............................... passed
SCSI Port (II) Loopback .............................. passed
Self test completed successfully
Select which mode to boot:
1. Fibre Channel/SCSI Router
2. Diagnostic Monitor
If messages are not
on your screen,
recheck your
computer’s serial
port settings and
press Enter five or
six times. Make
sure the baud rate
is set to one of the
values listed in
Table 6-1.