SNC 5100
162 Commands
If an invalid size is set, then the frame size of 2048 will be used.
You must reboot the SNC 5100 after executing this command for
the new setting to take effect.
SN60023 > setFCFrameSize 1,2048
value = 2048 = 0x800
SN60023 >
setFcHardId [channel],[id]
Set the Hard AL_PA for a channel using the
setFcHardId command.
The ID settings 0 to 125, inclusive, are valid IDs. [255] requests the Soft ID
method. If an invalid id is requested, then the Soft ID method will be used.
SN60023 > setFcHardId 1,1
SN60023 >
You must reboot the SNC 5100 after executing this command for
the new setting to take effect.
setHost [port],“OS”
The setHost command sets the operating system type for the specified SAN
Parameter Value
SAN Channel Number 1 - 2
Frame Size 512,1024, or 2048
Parameter Value Meaning
FC Connection Number 1 or 2
ID Number 0 to 125
255 Use Soft ID method