SNC 5100
180 Commands
Device Index 10
IO Class Enum n/a
IO Type Enum n/a
Label Index 03
Bus Id 1.1.0
-------- SCSI 4 VPD --------
IO Class Fixed IO
IO Mfg LSI Logic
Device Index 11
IO Class Enum n/a
IO Type Enum n/a
Label Index 03
Bus Id 1.1.1
buck172 >
sz “filename”
The sz command initiates a send Zmodem file transfer session. You use this
command when you want to save configuration information to a file in case the
SNC 5100 needs to be replaced. The SNC 5100 uses Zmodem protocol to
upload its persistent address map database and configuration parameter
settings from its nonvolatile flash memory to a file on the service terminal.
After issuing this command, you start the file transfer from the service terminal
by initiating a receive file operation that uses Zmodem protocol.
The filename “config.cfg” is shown in the example below. You can specify a
different name for the file but the name must not exceed 8 characters and it
must end in .cfg. See also the rz command for information about receiving a
configuration file.
SN60023 > sz "config.cfg"
Configuration Download Complete: config.cfg
SN60023 >
The SNC 5100 maintains a list of target devices that are attached to the I/O
channels. The targets command will list each device currently attached,
providing descriptions of the devices.
SN60023 > targets