MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual Status, Section 4
61200290L1-1G 4-3
This field indicates the current state of the remote MX2800 (available with C-Bit framing only). Possible
conditions are given in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3. Remote Alarm Conditions
Condition Description
Normal The far-end MX2800 is not reporting any alarm conditions.
RAI The far-end unit is receiving an RAI (yellow) alarm from the network. This alarm
is a signal sent back toward the source of a failed transmit circuit. The X-bits (X1
and X2) are set to zero.
LOS The far-end unit has lost the Rx signal.
AIS The far-end unit is receiving an AIS (blue) alarm condition from the network. AIS
alarms occur when consecutive 1010s are received in the information bits, indicat-
ing that there is a transmission fault located either at or upstream from the
transmitting terminal.
LOF The far-end unit detects a framing loss from the network.
Idle The far-end unit detects an idle sequence from the network.
DS3 Eqpt Fail (SA) The far-end unit or network is reporting a service-affecting DS3 equipment failure.
DS3 Eqpt Fail (NSA) The far-end unit or network is reporting a non-service-affecting DS3 equipment
Common Eqpt Fail (NSA) The far-end unit or network is reporting a non-service-affecting common
equipment failure.
Multiple DS1 LOS The far-end unit is experiencing a loss of signal on multiple DS1s.
Single DS1 LOS The far-end unit is experiencing a loss of signal on a single DS1.
DS1 Eqpt Fail (SA) The far-end unit is experiencing a service-affecting DS1 equipment failure.
DS1 Eqpt Fail (NSA) The far-end unit is experiencing a non-service-affecting DS1 equipment failure.
Unknown The unit is unable to discern the status of the far-end unit. (Normal for M13