4-6 61200290L1-1G
Section 4, Status MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual
This field displays the current state of each of the seven DS2s. Possible states are listed in Table 4-8.
6. T1/E1 STATE
This field displays the current state of the individual T1s or E1s. Possible states are listed in Table 4-9.
A DS2 can be divided into either three E1s or four T1s. Therefore, when
dealing with an E1 configuration, some of the fields in the
T1/E1 State
menus do not apply (and display nothing).
This selection is used to remotely turn off an active alarm. It is the software equivalent of the ACO button
as described in ACO Buttons on page 2-15.
Table 4-8. DS2 States
Condition Description
OK The DS2 is not receiving alarms.
LOF The unit detects framing loss across the DS2.
RAI The unit is receiving an RAI (yellow) alarm across the DS2. This alarm is a signal
sent back toward the source of a failed transmit circuit. The X-bit is set to zero.
AIS The unit is receiving an AIS (blue) alarm condition from the network across the
DS2. AIS alarms occur when the unit receives unframed all ones.
Table 4-9. T1/E1 States
Condition Description
OK The T1/E1 is ready to pass data.
LOS The unit has lost the Rx signal on the T1/E1.
XCV The unit is receiving excessive code violations across the T1/E1, exceeding the
configured threshold (refer to XCV Threshold on page 3-15).
TST The T1/E1 is currently in test mode.
HOT The T1/E1 transceiver temperature is too high.
LAIS The T1 is receiving all ones from the DSX-1 interface.
CAIS The T1 is receiving all ones from the DS3 side of the network.