Chapter 2. Installation
2-8 TDU 120e User Manual 61202156L2-1
When shipped from the factory, the TDU 120e is set to fac-
tory default conditions. At the first application of power,
the unit automatically executes a memory self-test. A full
self-test can be run from the terminal. A passcode and
unit ID may be set using the U
menu. See page 6-3.
The full self-test procedure (invoked from the terminal or
T-Watch PRO) consists of the following tests:
When... Then...
Initiating a self-test The terminal displays System Self-test Now
Testing and Memory Test Now Testing. The test
LEDs are illuminated.
The self-test is completed All LEDs go back to their normal state. The terminal
momentarily displays System Self-test Tests
A failure is detected A list of failures is displayed on the terminal.
Type of Test Explanation
Board level tests The TDU 120e contains an on-board processor which
executes a series of tests checking the circuitry on the
RAM and EPROM tests
Verify on-board circuitry
Unit level tests Front panel LED verification
Board-to-board interface test
A test pattern is sent from the controller through a loopback
on all other boards and checked on the controller. This
verifies the data path, clocks, and control signals for the
entire chassis.