Chapter 5. Configuration Menu
61202156L2-1 TDU 120e User Manual 5-15
Control Port
Selects the TCP/IP physical interface: Normal (10BaseT
Ethernet) or SLIP using the RS-232 serial port.
Choices: N
IP Address
This is the IP address that uniquely identifies the TDU
120e on a TCP/IP network. This address is composed of
four decimal numbers, each in the range of 0 to 255, sepa-
rated by periods. This value is used for either the
10BaseT Ethernet or SLIP interface, depending on the
control port setting.
Subnet Address
This defines which part of a destination IP address is the
Network number. It is used along with the TDU 120e IP
address to determine which nodes must be reached
through the default IP Gateway. This value is set to when the control port option is set to SLIP.
Default Router
All IP Packets destined for nodes not on the TDU 120e
unit’s local network are not forwarded through this IP
address. Normally, this address defines a router con-
nected to the TDU 120e unit’s local network. This value
is ignored when the control port option is set to SLIP.
This sets the baud rate for the Chain-In port when used
as the SLIP connection for SNMP management.
Choices: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400
If the Control Port option is set to SLIP, the RS-232 port cannot be used
as a terminal interface.