
14 Section 61181300L1-5C, Issue 3 61181300L1-5C
Figure 10. Provisioning of All Ports Screen
Shelf: Slot: 10 Total Access System 07/15/99 10:45
Unacknowledged Alarms: MINOR
Provisioning for All Ports
1. DSX Equalization 0 to 133' ABAM
2. Loopback Timeout 120 Min.
3. AIS to DSX (Loss of T1) Disabled
4. AIS to DSX (FLOS) Disabled
5. Restore Factory Defaults
‘?’ - System Help Screen
Port 0 is the QFO-C access module itself.
Changing the Port Service State
From the Service State Screen, type the desired port
number and press Enter. The Port Service Status
Screen (Figure 9) will appear.
Type the number corresponding to the desired service
state. Press Enter.
From the Provisioning screen (Figure 7) type “2” and
press Enter to select All Provisioning. The
Provisioning of All Ports Screen (Figure 10) will
Figure 9. Port Service Status Screen
Shelf: Slot: 10 Total Access System 07/15/99 10:42
Unacknowledged Alarms: MINOR
Port 1: Out of Service - Unassigned
1. In Service
2. Out of Service - Unassigned
3. Out of Service - Maintenance
‘?’ - System Help Screen