24 Section 61181300L1-5C, Issue 3 61181300L1-5C
Figure 29. Port Test Screen
Shelf: Slot: Total Access System 02:24:18 02/18/98
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
Loopback RT: Disabled
1. Disabled
2. Network
3. Dual
‘?’ - System Help Screen
Figure 30. Loopback RT Screen
Shelf: Slot: Total Access System 02/18/98 02:24:18
Unacknowledged Alarms: None
Port 1/2/3/4 Test
1. Loopback RT Disabled
2. Loopback DSX Disabled
‘?’ - System Help Screen
Performing Loopback Testing
1. From the Test Screen, type the number that
corresponds to the desired port and press Enter. The
Port Test Screen (Figure 29) displays.
2. Type “1” and press Enter for remote loopback
testing. Type “2” and press Enter for network
loopback testing. Figure 30 displays the Loopback
RT screen. Type the number of the desired remote
test and press Enter.