52 ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-4504 User’s Manual
6. After you complete the configuration, click ”Apply”.
3.4.1 Self Test Function
The purpose of this test is to make sure the communication from
host PC to ADAM -4570 is OK. If there is still an error, you
can check the communication from the ADAM-4570/ADAM-
4571/EDG-4504 to the serial devices.
If the test is selected, an external test will be done to check that
the connection signals for each port are working properly. For
the test, you will need to connect each port to a loopback tester
(provided in the package). Refer to the following chart for the
specifications of this loopback tester. The loopback test only
applies to RS-232 mode. The test is divided into two parts:
Signal test and Communication Parameters test.