58 ADAM-4570/ADAM-4571/EDG-4504 User’s Manual
3.4.4 Auto-reconnect function
Sometimes, the system crashes because the ADAM-4570 is in-
terrupted or is powered-off by accident. Users want the host
PC to re-connect to the ADAM-4570 automatically after such
an occurrence. The ADAM-4570 provides an “Auto-reconnect”
function to solve this problem. When the ADAM-4570 is pow-
ered-off accidentally, the driver will keep trying to reconnect the
ADAM-4570 automatically. When the ADAM-4570 recovers
or is powered-on, due to this auto-reconnect function, the host
PC’s commands will be received by the ADAM-4570 again.
This function enhances the reliability of the system.
Warning: If you want to enable the “Auto-reconnect” function,
please note that you can NOT enable the “Host idle” function at
the same time. The same also applies in reverse, e.g. if you want
to enable the “Host idle” function, you also can NOT enable the
“Auto-reconnect” function at the same time.