
EKI-7657C _Manual_ed1 48
Sender: Type in an alias of the switch in complete email address format, e.g. switch01@123.com
, to
identify where the event log comes from.
Authentication: Tick the checkbox to enable this function, configuring the email account and
password for authentication (when Email Alert enabled, this function will then be available).
Mail Account: Set up the email account, e.g. Tomadmin
, to receive the alert. It must be an existing
email account on the mail server, which you had set up in SMTP Server IP Address column.
Password: Type in the password to the email account.
Confirm Password: Reconfirm the password.
Rcpt e-mail Address 1 ~ 6: You can also assign up to 6 e-mail accounts to receive the alert.
Figure 3.17: SMTP Configuration
System Event Log—Event Configuration
When the
checkbox is ticked, the event log will be sent to system log server/SMTP server.
Also, per port log (link up, link down, and both) events can be sent to the system log server/SMTP server
with the respective checkbox ticked. After configuring, click ‘Apply’ to have the setting taken effect.
System event selection: There are 4 event types—Device cold start, Device warm start,
Authentication Failure, and X-ring topology change. Before you can tick the checkbox of each event
type, the Syslog Client Mode column on the Syslog Configuration tab/E-mail Alert column on the SMTP
Configuration tab must be enabled first.
¾ Device cold start: When the device executes cold start action, the system will issue a log
¾ Device warm start: When the device executes warm start, the system will issue a log event.
¾ Authentication Failure: When the SNMP authentication fails, the system will issue a log event.
¾ X-ring topology change: When the X-ring topology has changed, the system will issue a log