57 Chapter3
3.2.2 Port
Port setting includes Port Statistics, Port Control, Port Trunk, Port Mirroring, and Rate Limiting. The user
can use this interface to set the parameters and control the packet flow among the ports.
Port Statistics
The following information provides the current port statistic information.
• Port: Displays the port number.
Displays the media type of the port.
• Link: The status of linking—‘Up’ or ‘Down’.
• State: The user can set the state of the port as ‘Enable’ or ‘Disable’ via Port Control. When the state is
disabled, the port will not transmit or receive any packet.
• Tx Good Packet: The counts of transmitting good packets via this port.
• Tx Bad Packet: The counts of transmitting bad packets (including undersize [less than 64 bytes],
oversize, CRC Align errors, fragments and jabbers packets) via this port.
• Rx Good Packet: The counts of receiving good packets via this port.
• Rx Bad Packet: The counts of receiving bad packets (including undersize [less than 64 bytes],
oversize, CRC error, fragments and jabbers) via this port.
• Tx Abort Packet: The aborted packet while transmitting.
• Packet Collision: The counts of collision packet.
• Packet Dropped: The counts of dropped packet.
• Rx Bcast Packet: The counts of broadcast packet.
• Rx Mcast Packet: The counts of multicast packet.
to clean all counts.
Figure 3.24: Port Statistics