
Page viii INTRAC-305 MANUAL - ISSUE 3.2 © 2011 Advantech Wireless
A suggested quick start procedure is given below:
1/ Before modifying system make a note the antenna pointing angles from the old tracking
2/ Perform any recommended resolver mounting bracket modifications.
3/ Connect INTRAC-305 in place of Andrew APC300 and check that the Fitted Options
(Home>Function>System Setup>Fitted Options) (Manual page 39) are set correctly. Note
that the resolvers used with the APC300 system were normally x2 resolvers which would
require the x2 setting in the fitted options.
4/ Select Station Coordinates (Home>Function>System Setup>Station Coordinates) and
ensure that latitude is in correct hemisphere (North or South). You only need to enter the
correct station co-ordinates if you intend to use IESS-412 or Norad ephemeris data.
5/ Select Date and Time (Home>Function>System Setup>Date & Time) and enter the correct
time and date (in UT (GMT)). This is only strictly necessary if you intend to use IESS-412 or
Norad ephemeris data, but most users prefer to set the time correctly anyway.
6/ Select beamwidth (Home>Function>System Setup>Az & El Beamwidth) and set the receive
3 dB beamwidths of your antenna.
7/ Now ensure drive direction feedback is correct.
Select Manual on INTRAC . (Home>New Mode>Manual/Stow) Note displayed Az angle.
Command drive Right. Check if displayed angle increases or decreases.
Command drive left. Check if displayed angle increase or decreases.
Continue driving left until displayed angle has returned to the previously noted angle.
The angle should have increased while driving right and decreased while driving left. If it did
the opposite then the resolver sense is not correct and will need correcting. By bringing the
antenna back to the original displayed angle we have maintained the angle reference.
Note the displayed Elevation angle and repeat the operation for Elevation. Commanding Up
should give an increasing angle, Down a decreasing angle. If you found the opposite then
you will need to change the elevation resolver sense. Make sure you return the antenna to
the same elevation position (reading).
8/ If either resolver senses required changing then Select Fine Tune (Home>Function>System
Setup>Fine Tune) and change the required senses on the first screen. Then press EN to
continue and adjust the fine tune offsets so that the angle display reads the correct angles (
the ones you noted in step 1).
9/ Now check that Manual drive drives the angles in the expected direction. At this point you
can also check that the physical direction on motion of the antenna is also correct, but this
will be correct if the original installation was correct.
10/ Connect the beacon signal.
If an IBR-L is fitted and an L-band beacon is available connect this to the RF input on the
rear panel of the INTRAC. Select the correct frequency and check that a valid beacon level
is displayed. Manually peak the antenna to maximize the beacon level and check that the
beacon does not overload (24.9 dB displayed).