© 2011 Advantech Wireless INTRAC-305 MANUAL - Issue 3.2 Page 73
Beacon Signal Connector When an IBR-L beacon receiver is fitted there will be a
“N-type” RF connector on the INTRAC rear panel. It is to this
that the beacon signal is connected.
Note 18Vdc may be connected to the inner connector of the N-type
in order to power the Block Down Converter.
The 18V can be removed from the “N” connector by power
connector J41 on the INTRAC Interface board.
Signal Strength Input Where no IBR-L is fitted the INTRAC-305 requires a dc
voltage generated by an external receiver. This voltage must
be directly proportional to the received signal strength in dB.
The signal strength input is via a BNC connector on the
INTRAC rear panel.
Resolvers (pointing angles) Setting the INTRAC-305 for the antenna pointing angles is
achieved by use of the “Fine Tune” sense and offsets facility.
Fine Tune Sense is used to set the INTRAC for the rotational
direction of the resolvers. Fine Tune Offset is used to adjust
the resolver returned angle to the actual antenna pointing
angle. i.e., to compensate for any inaccuracy in the resolver
Ensure that the “Fine Tune Sense” is set to true (see page
35) for both Az, El & Pol. Also clear the “Fine Tune Offsets”
(see page 36).
With the resolvers connected to the INTRAC-305 note down
the displayed Az, El and Pol antenna pointing angles
Put the INTRAC into Manual Mode.
Fine Tune Sense Drive the antenna slowly in Az using the “drive right” key, note
whether the displayed angle increases or decreases. Return
the antenna to the original pointing angle. Drive the antenna
slowly in El using the “drive up” key, note whether the
displayed angle increases or decreases. Drive the antenna
polarisation slowly clockwise using the “drive right” key, note
whether the displayed angle increases or decreases.
For the axes where the displayed angle increased leave the
Fine Tune Sense set to true. For the axes where the
displayed angle decreased set the sense to false.
Fine Tune Offsets Use the Fine Tune Offset facility to set the pointing angles to
those noted from the APC300 before it was disconnected.
Southern Hemisphere Set-up in the Southern Hemisphere is the same as for the
Northern Hemisphere except that the antenna rotation will be
+/- 90 of North instead of +/- 90 of South.