PCI-1625U User Manual 10
Chapter 3 Driver Setup and Installation
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the driver installation, configuration and removal
procedures for Windows operating system, including Windows 2000/XP.
We strongly recommend that you install the software driver before
you install the hardware into your system, since this will guarantee a
smooth and trouble-free installation process.
3.2 Driver Setup
Windows 2000/XP supports COM1 to COM256, up to 256 serial ports.
The PCI-1625U driver, however, will assign communication ports auto-
matically. In order to fully utilize Windows 2000/XP advanced features
such as multi-processing and multithreading, we offer pure 32-bit Win-
dows 2000/XP device drivers for PCI-1625U cards. All these drivers con-
form to Win32 COMM API standard.
Note: We support all 32-bit Windows API but not