
33 Chapter 4
In the Configure Port dialog box, you can configure the Baud Rate, Data
bits, Parity, Stop Bits and the flow control mode for that specific port (or
for all ports). After you have configured all the settings you want to
change, click OKto make this configuration active.
Run the Test
After you have completed the configuration of the port(s), you can now
start the test on the port you have selected by clicking the Run button
or accessing the Port/Run menu command (or you want to run all ports at
once, just click the All Ports Run button or access All Ports/Run
menu command).
Once the test is started, you can see relevant test information of port per-
formance on the performance listing area.
Figure 4.5: Test Information on the Performance Listing Area
NOTE: When using All Ports Setup button or All Ports/
Setup menu command to configure settings
for all ports, you must take care to stop any ports
that are running test in order to configure them. If
you do not stop the test running on a specific
port, it won’t be configured at all. That is, you get
to configure only the ports that have been