Select this menu item to find the following measurements in this order:
If you want to see any particular measurement on the screen permanently, you
can “freeze” the screen in the Measurements menu. To do so, press “” and
“” for approx. 3 seconds at the same time until a small key appears in the upper
right-hand corner of the display. Press the two buttons again at the same time for
approx. 3 seconds to cancel this setting.
During normal mode, you can active this menu item to access the following
sub-menu items: “Go to bypass mode”, “Battery test”, and “Reset error state”.
Depending on the operating mode, only those sub-menu items that are available
will appear.
Power Usage Efficiency [%]
Output power (active and apparent power) [W] & [VA]
Output power (current and power factor) [A]
Output (voltage and frequency) [V] & [Hz]
Input (voltage and frequency) [V] & [Hz]
Battery (voltage and charge state) [V] & [%]
DC bus (intermediate circuit voltage) [V]
External battery modules
Total kWh consumption [kWh]