DC / DC Booster Circuit technology for increasing a DC voltage to a higher
voltage level
ECO Measure to increase system efficiency
Efficiency Corrective Optimizer
EPO Device for emergency shutdown
Emergency Power Off
Device protection Term from surge technology: The classic mains overload
protection consists of lightning arrester (Class B), surge
protection (Class C) and the so-called protective devices
(Class D)
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
High-performance transistors, latest design, with minimal
power consumption need (MOSFET structure) and minimal
losses on the output side (structure of a bipolar transistor)
Class D See device protection
LED Light Emitting Diode
Electronic semiconductor component, used for visual signaling
PFC Power Factor Correction
Circuit technology used to minimize the harmonic current
(particularly important when connecting non-linear loads)
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Here: Circuit technology to generate a sine-like flux density
waveform of highest quality from existing direct-current
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
Frequently used protocol in the network to
manage / administrate components
VFD Voltage and Frequency Dependent from mains supply.
The UPS output is dependent on mains voltage and
frequency fluctuations. Formerly known as: OFFLINE