Chapter 3: Reference
The Symbols Tab
C++ notation. To improve performance for these ELF symbol files, type
information is not associated with variables. Hence, some variables
(typically a few local static variables) may not have the proper size
associated with them. They may show a size of 1 byte and not the
correct size of 4 bytes or even more. All other information function
ranges, line numbers, global variables and filenames will be accurate.
These behaviors may be changed by creating a readers.ini (see
page 101) file.
See Also “To load object file symbols” on page 96
“To create an ASCII symbol file” on page 100
“To create a readers.ini file” on page 101
General-Purpose ASCII (GPA) Symbol File
General-purpose ASCII (GPA) format files are loaded into a logic
analyzer just like other object files.
If your compiler does not produce object files in a supported format, or
if you want to define symbols that are not included in the object file,
you can create an ASCII format symbol file.
Typically, ASCII format symbol files are created using text processing
tools that convert the symbol table information from a compiler or
linker map output file.
Different types of symbols are defined in different records in the GPA
file. Record headers are enclosed in square brackets, for example,
[VARIABLES]. For a summary of GPA file records and associated
symbol definition syntax, refer to the “GPA Record Format Summary”
on page 165 that follows.
Each entry in the symbol file must consist of a symbol name followed
by an address or address range.
While symbol names can be longer, the logic analyzer only uses the first
16 characters.