Chapter 3: Reference
The Symbols Tab
The address or address range must be a hexadecimal number. It must
appear on the same line as the symbol name, and it must be separated
from the symbol name by one or more blank spaces or tabs. Address
ranges must be in the following format:
beginning address..ending address
The following example defines two symbols that correspond to address
ranges and one symbol that corresponds to a single address.
main 00001000..00001009
test 00001010..0000101F
var1 00001E22 #this is a variable
For more detailed descriptions of GPA file records and associated
symbol definition syntax, refer to the following topics:
• “SECTIONS” on page 166
• “FUNCTIONS” on page 167
• “VARIABLES” on page 168
• “SOURCE LINES” on page 168
• “START ADDRESS” on page 169
• “Comments” on page 169
GPA Record Format Summary
section_name start..end attribute
func_name start..end
var_name start [size]
var_name start..end
File: file_name
line# address