Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI)
Table C-5. Summary of Error Messages (continued)
Error Number Error String [Description/Explanation/Examples]
-178 Expression data not allowed
-180 Macro error
-181 Invalid outside macro definition [e.g., ’$1’ outside macro definition.]
-183 Invalid inside macro definition
-184 Macro parameter error
- 200 Execution error [generic]
- 220 Parameter error
- 221 Settings conflict [uncoupled parameters]
- 222 Data out of range [e.g., too large for this instrument]
- 223 Too much data [out of memory; block, string, or expression too long]
- 240 Hardware error
- 241 Hardware missing
- 270 Macro error
- 272 Macro execution error
- 273 Illegal macro label
- 276 Macro recursion error
- 277 Macro redefinition not allowed
- 310 System error
- 313 Calibration memory lost [out of cal due to memory failure]
-330 Self-test failed [more specific data after ";’’]
- 350 Too many errors [error queue overflow]
- 400 Query error
- 410 Query INTERRUPTED [query followed by DAB or GET before response complete]
- 420 Query UNTERMINATED [addressed to talk, incomplete programming message
- 430 Query DEADLOCKED [too many queries in command string]
- 440 Query UNTERMINATED [after indefinite response]
This summary lists all power supply subsystem commands in alphabetical order, followed by all common commands in
alphabetical order. See Table 3-7 in Section III for the numerical parameters for each model of the Agilent Series 603xA
power supplies. Table C-6 is a cross reference to the corresponding ARPS commands in Table 3-7.
Command Summary
Subsystem Commands
Command Parameters
ABOR (none)
[SOUR]:CURR[:LEV][:IMM][:AMPL] <space> <NRf+ >[suffix]
[SOUR]:CURR? (none) or <space>MlN or <space>MAX
[SOUR]:CURR[:LEV]:TRIG[:AMPL] <space> <NRf+ >[suffix]
[SOUR]:CURR[:LEV]:TRIG? (none) or <space>MlN or <space>MAX
[SOUR]:CURR:PROT:STAT <space>0 or OFF <space>1 or ON
INIT[:IMM] (none)
INIT:CONT < space > 0 or OFF or < space > ON
INIT:CONT? (none)
MEAS:CURR[:DC]? (none)
MEAS:VOLT[:DC]? (none)