General Information
1494-0060 Rack slide kit, non tilting
5060-2865 Service kit, includes extenders for control and power mesh boards, three cables to
allow GP-IB and PSI boards to lie on table outside unit, and control board test
5060-2866 FET service kit. Includes FETs and all components that should be replaced with FETs.
59510A Relay Accessory
59511A Relay Accessory (Polarity Reversing)
5062-3960 Rack mounting adapter kit for side mounting one 7-inch high cabinet, includes one
rack flange and one half-module width extension adapter. (Will be shipped with
instrument if ordered as Option 908). This rack mounting adapter kit is not compatible
with front handle kit Agilent P/N 5061-3990).
5062-3961 Rack mounting adapter kit for center mounting one 7-inch high cabinet, includes one
rack flange and one quarter-module width extension adapter (two kits required), there
will be surplus of hardware.
5062-3978 Rack flange kit for 7-inch high cabinet. Must be used with another half-module width
unit of equal depth with lock link kit 5061-9694. (Will be shipped if instrument is
ordered as Option 800).
5061-9694 Lock link kit for joining units of equal depth, contains hardware for three side-by-side
joints (four units) and two over-under joints (three units). Locking cabinets together
horizontally in a configuration wider than one full module is not recommended. 5062-
3978 and 5061-9694 will be shipped if Option 800 is ordered.
5062-3990 Front handle kit for 7-inch high cabinets. Corresponding flange kit is 5061-2072. This
front handle kit is not compatible with rack mounting adapter kit (Agilent PIN 5062-
3960) or Option 908.
5061-2072 Flange kit to be used with front handle kit 5062-3990.
5062-3984 Rack mounting flange kit with handles for 7-inch high cabinet. Must be used with
another half-module width unit of equal depth with lock link kit 5061-9694.
5062-4003 Bail handle kit for carrying 7-inch high, half-module width cabinet.
1460-1345 Tilt stand (1) snaps into standard foot on instrument, must be used in pairs.
5062-3998 Support shelf bit for mounting on or more 7-inch high cabinets of any depth to 20
5062-4027 Front filler panel, half-module width, for 7-inch high cabinet on support shelf.
1494-0065 Slide kit for 5061-0098 support shelf.
06033-60005 Service kit, includes extenders for control and power mesh boards, three cables to
allow GP-IB and PSI boards to lie on table outside unit, and control board test
5060-0138 GP-IB connector non-metric to metric conversion kit.
5060-2860 FET service kit, includes FETs and all components that should be replaced with FETs.
59510A Relay Accessory
59511A Relay Accessory (Polarity Reversing)
Instrument and Manual Identification
Agilent Technologies power supplies are identified by a unique two-part serial number, such as 3023A-06181. The first part
is the prefix, which denotes the date of the last significant design change and the country of manufacture. Adding 1960 to
the first two digits gives the year of the change (30 = 1990, 31 = 1991, etc.) and the second two digits identify the week of
that year. The letter indicates the country of manufacture (A = U.S.A.). The second part of the serial number consists of a 5-
digit number sequentially assigned to each power supply.