General Programming Aspects
Programming Recommendations
Programming Recommendations
Here are some recommendations for programming the instrument:
• Start programming from the default setting. The common command
for setting the default setting is:
• Switch off the automatic update of the display to increase the
programming speed. The device command for switching off the
display is:
• The SCPI standard defines a long and a short form of the commands.
For fast programming speed it is recommended to use the short
forms. The short forms of the commands are represented by upper
case letters. For example the short form of the command to set 100 ns
double pulse delay is:
• To improve programming speed it is also allowed to skip optional
subsystem command parts. Optional subsystem command parts are
depicted in square brackets, e.g.: enable double pulse mode by
. Sufficient to use:
• For the commands to set the timing and level parameters, except of
period/frequency, you can explicitly specify output 1 (for
compatibility reasons). If there is no output specified, the commands
will set the default output 1.
So, for setting a high level of 3 Volts for output 1 the commands are:
:VOLT:HIGH 3V # sets high level of 3 V at out 1
:VOLT1:HIGH 3V # sets high level of 3 V at out 1
• It is recommended to test a new setting that will be programmed on
the instrument by setting it up manually.
Enable the outputs so that the instrument’s error check system is on
and possible parameter conflicts are immediately displayed.